Swenska wetenskaps academiens handlingar
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Swenska wetenskaps academiens handlingar
- by
- Horrn, Joh. Laur., fl. 1719-1739; Grefing, Lorentz Ludewig; Salvius, Lars, 1706-1773; Lange, Johan Georg, fl. 1769-1784; Zetterberg, Anders, 18th cent; Segerstedt, A. J; Lindh, Joh. Pehr; Norstedt, P. A., fl. 1868; Stejneger, Leonhard, 1851-1943, former owner. DSI; Smith, John Donnell, 1829-1928, former owner. DSI; Kungl. Svenska vetenskapsakademien; Almqvist & Wiksells; Burndy Library, donor. DSI
- Publication date
- 1739
- Topics
- Science, Natural history
- Publisher
- Stockholm : L.L. Grefing
- Collection
- biodiversity
- Contributor
- Smithsonian Libraries
- Language
- Swedish
- Volume
- [ser.1]:v.2 (1741)
- Item Size
- 1.3G
Minor variations in title
Imprint varies: Stockholm : Joh. Laur. Horrn, 1739-<1741>; Lorentz Ludewig Grefing, <1744->; Lars Salvius, <1749->; Johan Georg Lange, <1776->; Anders Zetterberg, <1790->; Strengnäs, Sweden : A.J. Segerstedt, <1807>-1812; Joh. Pehr Lindh, 1813-1822; Almquist & Wiksells, <1855->; P.A. Norstedt, <1868, 1903>; Almqvist & Wiksells, <1924-1968>
Description based on: v. 1, ser. 1
Latest issue consulted: 4. ser., Band 9, Nr. 3, published in 1963
Some early issues have publisher's device on t.p., with motto: "För efterkommande"
Includes biographical references
Vols. for 1813-1854 lack vol. numbering
Has supplements
Vols. 1-40 (1739-1779); ser. 2, v. 1-15 (1780-1794); ser. 2, v. 16-33 (1795-1812); ser. 3, 1815-1825; ser. 3-4, 1826-1883
SCNHRB has v. 1-40, ser. 1 (1739-1779), v. 5, ser. 2, no. 1-6 (1784, in 2 v.), and v. 42, ser. 3 (1854), only
SCNHRB copy is imperfect: the title leaf is wanting in v. 23, ser. 1 (1762). Volume 6, ser. 1 (1745) has its issues misbound in the following order: okt.-dec., juli-sept., april-jun., jan.-mars. Volume 5, ser. 2, apr. (1784) has p. [87]-[88] wanting; the edges of p. [89]-96 have been damaged and clumsily repaired, with some loss of text
SCNHRB copy has registers bound with the following volumes: v. 15, ser. 1 (1754), [12], 108 p.; v. 40, ser. 1 (1779), 68 p
SCNHRB copy of v. 1-40, ser. 1 has stamp: Smithsonian Institution National Museum, Stejneger Collection. With Stejneger's autograph. Accession nos.: 325267-325306
SCNHRB copy of v. 25, ser. 1 (1764) has one sheet ([1] p.) of ms. ink notes in French tipped-in before the plates for jan.-mars; there are 4 p. of ms. ink notes in Swedish laid in v. 37, ser. 1 (1776)
SCNHRB copy of v. 5, ser. 2 has nos. 1-6 (jan.-juni, 1784), only, bound in 2 v., with Stejneger Collection stamp. The issues for jan.-mars of 1784 are bound together in a later green paperboard pamphlet binder with green buckram spine and ms. ink cover title. The issues for april-juni of 1784 are bound together in a later brown buckram library binding
SCNHRB copy of v. 42, ser. 3 (1854) has stamps "J.D.S." and "Smithsonina Institution Special Collections, Nov. 2, 1929", with bookplate: Ex libris quos Institutioni Smithsonianae anno MCMV donavit John Donnell Smith, D227. Manuscript ink note on p. [3]: Transf. from Bot to NH 10/90. With an old embossed burgundy half-leather binding with mottled paper boards, raised bands, gilt-tooled spine, marbled endpapers, and top edge gilt
SCNHRB copy of v. 1-40, ser. 1 has contemporary blind- and gilt-tooled full leather bindings with raised bands, marbled endpapers, and blue sponged edges. Volumes 1 and 2 of ser. 1 have later gray archival paperboard portfolios with orange paste-paper spine labels. Volume 34, ser. 1 has a contemporary half-leather binding with mottled yellow paper boards, gilt-tooled spine, and red sprinkled edges
SCDIRB has v. 2, ser. 2 (1781, jan.-mars; barcode no. 39088015014954), only
SCDIRB copy of v. 2, ser. 2 has bookplate: Burndy Library, gift of Bern Dibner
Imprint varies: Stockholm : Joh. Laur. Horrn, 1739-<1741>; Lorentz Ludewig Grefing, <1744->; Lars Salvius, <1749->; Johan Georg Lange, <1776->; Anders Zetterberg, <1790->; Strengnäs, Sweden : A.J. Segerstedt, <1807>-1812; Joh. Pehr Lindh, 1813-1822; Almquist & Wiksells, <1855->; P.A. Norstedt, <1868, 1903>; Almqvist & Wiksells, <1924-1968>
Description based on: v. 1, ser. 1
Latest issue consulted: 4. ser., Band 9, Nr. 3, published in 1963
Some early issues have publisher's device on t.p., with motto: "För efterkommande"
Includes biographical references
Vols. for 1813-1854 lack vol. numbering
Has supplements
Vols. 1-40 (1739-1779); ser. 2, v. 1-15 (1780-1794); ser. 2, v. 16-33 (1795-1812); ser. 3, 1815-1825; ser. 3-4, 1826-1883
SCNHRB has v. 1-40, ser. 1 (1739-1779), v. 5, ser. 2, no. 1-6 (1784, in 2 v.), and v. 42, ser. 3 (1854), only
SCNHRB copy is imperfect: the title leaf is wanting in v. 23, ser. 1 (1762). Volume 6, ser. 1 (1745) has its issues misbound in the following order: okt.-dec., juli-sept., april-jun., jan.-mars. Volume 5, ser. 2, apr. (1784) has p. [87]-[88] wanting; the edges of p. [89]-96 have been damaged and clumsily repaired, with some loss of text
SCNHRB copy has registers bound with the following volumes: v. 15, ser. 1 (1754), [12], 108 p.; v. 40, ser. 1 (1779), 68 p
SCNHRB copy of v. 1-40, ser. 1 has stamp: Smithsonian Institution National Museum, Stejneger Collection. With Stejneger's autograph. Accession nos.: 325267-325306
SCNHRB copy of v. 25, ser. 1 (1764) has one sheet ([1] p.) of ms. ink notes in French tipped-in before the plates for jan.-mars; there are 4 p. of ms. ink notes in Swedish laid in v. 37, ser. 1 (1776)
SCNHRB copy of v. 5, ser. 2 has nos. 1-6 (jan.-juni, 1784), only, bound in 2 v., with Stejneger Collection stamp. The issues for jan.-mars of 1784 are bound together in a later green paperboard pamphlet binder with green buckram spine and ms. ink cover title. The issues for april-juni of 1784 are bound together in a later brown buckram library binding
SCNHRB copy of v. 42, ser. 3 (1854) has stamps "J.D.S." and "Smithsonina Institution Special Collections, Nov. 2, 1929", with bookplate: Ex libris quos Institutioni Smithsonianae anno MCMV donavit John Donnell Smith, D227. Manuscript ink note on p. [3]: Transf. from Bot to NH 10/90. With an old embossed burgundy half-leather binding with mottled paper boards, raised bands, gilt-tooled spine, marbled endpapers, and top edge gilt
SCNHRB copy of v. 1-40, ser. 1 has contemporary blind- and gilt-tooled full leather bindings with raised bands, marbled endpapers, and blue sponged edges. Volumes 1 and 2 of ser. 1 have later gray archival paperboard portfolios with orange paste-paper spine labels. Volume 34, ser. 1 has a contemporary half-leather binding with mottled yellow paper boards, gilt-tooled spine, and red sprinkled edges
SCDIRB has v. 2, ser. 2 (1781, jan.-mars; barcode no. 39088015014954), only
SCDIRB copy of v. 2, ser. 2 has bookplate: Burndy Library, gift of Bern Dibner
No copyright page found. No table-of-contents pages found.
- Addeddate
- 2015-01-08 19:58:07.761436
- Associated-names
- Horrn, Joh. Laur., fl. 1719-1739; Grefing, Lorentz Ludewig; Salvius, Lars, 1706-1773; Lange, Johan Georg, fl. 1769-1784; Zetterberg, Anders, 18th cent; Segerstedt, A. J; Lindh, Joh. Pehr; Norstedt, P. A., fl. 1868; Stejneger, Leonhard, 1851-1943, former owner; Smith, John Donnell, 1829-1928, former owner; Kungl. Svenska vetenskapsakademien; Almqvist & Wiksells; Burndy Library, donor
- Call number
- 39088015014871
- Camera
- Canon EOS 5D Mark II
- External-identifier
- Foldout_seconds
- 993
- Foldoutcount
- 9
- Identifier
- swenskawetenska121741horr
- Identifier-ark
- ark:/13960/t9768nv70
- Identifier-bib
- 39088015014871
- Invoice
- 29
- Lccn
- 2009252360
- Ocr
- tesseract 5.3.0-6-g76ae
- Ocr_detected_lang
- sv
- Ocr_detected_lang_conf
- 1.0000
- Ocr_detected_script
- Fraktur
- Ocr_detected_script_conf
- 0.9096
- Ocr_module_version
- 0.0.21
- Ocr_parameters
- -l swe+Fraktur
- Page-progression
- lr
- Page_number_confidence
- 82
- Page_number_module_version
- 1.0.3
- Pages
- 362
- Pdf_module_version
- 0.0.23
- Possible copyright status
- Not in copyright. The BHL knows of no copyright restrictions on this item.
- Ppi
- 650
- Republisher_date
- 20150112173129
- Republisher_operator
- associate-daniel-euphrat@archive.org
- Scandate
- 20150108202605
- Scanner
- scribe1.washingtondc.archive.org
- Scanningcenter
- washingtondc
- Title_id
- 933318
- Worldcat (source edition)
- 8263718
- Year
- 1739
- Full catalog record
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